The master's program "Planning - Building - Operating" is more application-oriented than research-oriented. It enables graduates, building on the basic knowledge imparted during studies, to independently develop new areas of knowledge in the sense of lifelong education. The methods taught can be transferred to new problem areas arising in professional practice through practical exercises during the course of study.
In concrete terms, graduates will be able to plan, design, responsibly manage and operate constructive engineering structures and technical infrastructure facilities on their own responsibility so that they meet the requirements of stability, operational safety, economic efficiency, environmental compatibility and durability.
Graduates are able to prepare complex projects, plan them ready for execution, manage their implementation, and organize and ensure their long-term technical operation. The fundamentals taught in the bachelor's program are deepened in an application-oriented manner by emphasizing the practical orientation of the projects.
The master's degree is a full professional qualification with which all activities of civil engineering (comparable to the qualification to the previous Diplomingenieur (Dipl.-Ing. )) can be exercised. The master's program is classified as a consecutive program because it continues the content of the accredited bachelor's program "Civil Engineering Civil Engineering" (B.Sc.) in the Department D of the University of Wuppertal, deepens and expands interdisciplinary.
The newly created and accredited Master M.Sc. Civil Engineering "Design - Build - Operate" aims at the more broadly educated civil engineer equipped with scientific knowledge of methods and processes. It focuses on the integrative tasks of the civil engineer in structural engineering and in the development of traffic and infrastructure systems. It considers the entire life cycle - from the development of the initial idea for a project to the optimization of operation or till demolition. This is an art that only a few civil engineers have mastered in practice today. Thus, special attention is paid to the smooth design of the interfaces between the planning, construction and operation phases.
The master's degree serves as a "second cycle degree" for professional training. It is equivalent to the previous Diplomingenieur of a university education. With the master's degree, the professional qualifications for admission to the Chamber of Civil Engineers can also be acquired.
Brief overview
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Winter semester
Summer semester
4 semesters
University degree
Subject-specific admission requirements
open admission (without NC)
Application documents are the Bachelor's degree certificate, corresponding transcript of records with the current overall grade and with the expected graduation date, as well as a link or a pdf file of the modules descriptions of the acquired university (this applies in particular to the Master's degree in Industrial Transport Engineering).
Further information from the BUW Student Secretary's Office:
Two-part application procedure
Please send the application documents as pdf-files to Mrs. Rembold-Busch / Examination Office: rembold[at]
Course of study and content
The content of the course is designed to impart a broad and in-depth technical knowledge in selected sub-areas as well as a broad knowledge of methods, taking into account different scientific doctrines and practical professional orientations in such a way that the graduates, as scientifically qualified generalists, can solve practical problems according to the current state of knowledge and promote innovative new developments.
This practical relevance is created at different interfaces between studies and practice: in interdisciplinary project work, the students work on projects with practice-relevant topics using scientific methods. The university advocates that students prepare their master's thesis outside the university in close coordination between science and practice.
Specialized master's degree programs
However, you can also return to Bergische Universität after a qualification phase in professional practice and take the accredited continuing education courses here:
Master of Science (M.Sc.) Real Estate Management & Construction Project Management (REM-CPM)
Master of Business Engineering (MBE) Baubetrieb
Quick links
M.Sc.- Program flyer: Information regarding the Civil Engineering program (M.Sc. / Plan - Build - Operate)
Central Student Advisory Service can be found under the following link.